ahno zwei
stakr l'vond
5€ g.e. incl. EU/ppd EU
6€ ppd Rest Of World
ahno zwei es un dúo de trompeta y saxo amplificados y tratados electrónicamente, y en su primer CDR nos ofrecen 20 minutos de free noise al estilo Borbetomagus, pero más melódico, más inteligible, más crudo y más simple, donde implícitamente existe cierto orden o sentido. Aunque parece que este dislocamiento de vientos tiene como objetivo molestar, y hacer que te quites los auriculares, escarbando en la maraña sonora se pueden encontrar melodías, espasmos de música, de jazz primitivo que están encerrados, que quieren salir pero no pueden... pero para eso hay que sumergirse en un mar de acoples y ruidos extremos.
Edición limitada de 40 copias numeradas a mano, CDRs y portadas impresos a color, empaquetados en encuadernación con espiral metálico, tapa transparente y contratapa de cartón semirígida negra.
-------ahno zwei is a duo of amplified and electronically treated sax trumpet and sax, and their first CDR give us 20 minutes of free noise Borbetomagus style, but more melodic, more intelligible, cruder and simpler, where there is implicitly a certain order and meaning. Although it appears that this displacement of winds aims annoy, and make you take off your headphones, digging in the sound mess we find melodies, spasms of music, primitive jazz, that are locked, they want to leave but can not ... but for that you have to inmerse yourself into a sea of feedbacks and extreme noise.
Limited edition of 40 hand-numbered copies, CDRs and covers printed in color, packaged in metal spiral binding, semi-rigid transparent front cover and cardboard black back cover.Reseña/Review (The Wire, Feb. 2010)
Reseña/Review (Animal Psi, Feb. 2010)
A step further removed from the Naked City act of Au (itself a jazzier derivation of the Aupier dogpile), amplified brass duo Ahno Zwei submit ‘Stakr l’vond’ for Spanish label For Noise’s Sake. Hardly the solo biopsy of Greg Kelley, wherein the instrument is perversely dismantled and cataloged, this doubling of instruments in equally a squaring of the sonic dimensions, which sees these figurative blasts resonate and distort in trails of pollution. In actuality a lesser traveled means to Noise, the reverbed channels and throw-away melodies dialog a nice tension with the hard-wrought screams of feedback. This tension is exaggerated over the six tracks/20 minutes, where increasingly the instruments are separated from their effects through emergent harmonies. The status of the noise elements remain in limbo in the end, as the skronky image and staticky afterimage mostly realign in a wall of violent hyperventilation. Numbered to 40 copies, the labeled disc comes in an unusual, spiral-bound booklet with color insert and tab.